
Studying for the Police Exam

I want to talk to you about studying for the police exam. There are a lot of people out there that are good police officers. They know how to handle themselves and they know how to create a safe society that people are looking for. Often these great people that show tremendous potential can't handle the style of the exam they have to pass. The exams you would of taken at school are designed to measure aptitude, but since the police are public servants with extra powers, the test has to challenge you in other areas. The test is designed to figure out what kind of person you are and whether that fits in with what a police officer should be. I'm going to talk to you about studying for the police exam. The test isn't going to be simple questions on laws and conduct by police officers. That would be how they measure aptitude. The police force isn't looking for people that can memorize a lot of different facts. The test is designed to make you think about various scenarios that are a little unorthodox or outside the box. Inevitably, they have to know what you're going to do in tough situations and what you'll end up doing. Studying for the police exam is an understanding of the laws and police conduct, not the laws themselves. You want to understand how they're applied. If you see a married couple getting into a verbal argument on the street, what do you do as a police officer? This is the type of questions you'll be faced with.

