
How To Find A New Career In 2010

We have all seen the effects of our turbulent global economy. Things are bad all over, to paraphrase an old saying. And during these tough times, many think of changing their professional situations, whether out of fear, necessity, or good old-fashioned burnout. During these times, career transition and outplacement services are two things you will probably be hearing more about. If you are getting ready to travel a new career path, then listen to the following advice, and seek the expertise of those who can help you: Take an inventory of your skills: But you're looking for a new career, aren't you? Well, if so, you are probably going to start at the bottom. However, if you can find a way to make your previous skills relevant, it could give you a huge leg up on the competition. You've heard the saying, "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water," meaning you should not ditch everything valuable based on a few minor annoyances. This could save you a lot of time, money, and frustration, if you were to heed such advice. Consider your interests: What sort of things bring out your passion? Is it music, movies, fashion? If you think long enough and hard enough you will likely be able to come up with a way to match prior skills with an industry you enjoy. You have to be creative when finding a way to make money, especially as our economies grow ever closer together. Look for areas where skill and passion coincide: Once you have found the areas where skill and passion coincide, it's time to target your job search in that direction. Outplacement services can help you through valuable training and advice for how to make a successful career transition. Determine your financial needs: To successfully undergo a career transition, it is also essential to take stock of your financial needs. What sacrifices can you afford to make in your budget to make starting over more possible? What necessities can you not leave behind under any circumstances? If we scrutinize the ways that we spend our money, we can likely find areas where cutting back is possible. This can take some of the heat off you if it becomes necessary to enter at the ground level of your new career field. Apply for internships or open positions: Once you know how much money it will take to live, and where the jobs are that will interest you, it's time to get your name out there and let your new life begin. This may mean you can find an entry-level (or slightly better) job right out of the gate, or it may mean you have to try your hand at an unpaid internship in the area where you would like to work. While this may not be possible, it can lead to a quick trip up the ladder if proper networking solutions are in place. In other words, you may welcome the cut in pay if it means you're making prestigious contacts that will enable you to achieve your long-term dreams faster. Career transition is a difficult thing. But you don't have to go it alone. Keep in mind that quality outplacement services can help you to achieve any of the above necessities. Good luck, and full steam ahead!

