As an experienced parent of 6 children and grandparent of eight, I’m really skeptical l about any product that claims to teach your baby to read. It seems like the proven method of teaching reading ability to your child has always been to start reading to them at an early age, and then introducing them to phonics. WHOLE WORD RECOGNITION I recently saw a product "Your Baby Can Read" on an As Seen On TV spot. It’s unique in that it’s the first reading program combining videos, flash cards, books and other aids specifically designed to help teach infants and toddlers how to read. This “YOUR BABY CAN READ” program was developed by Dr. Robert Titzer of Southern Louisiana University, and has been featured on Good Morning America and other national TV shows.I bought this set of videos for my daughter’s 22 month old, Heather, on the trial basis of $14.95 just see if it had value. My daughter told me that the first starter video immediately made Heather take notice. Heather seemed to be really interested as the words appeared in the videos; the movements of the words and the accompanying music really caught her attention. My daughter said it’s probably the first time that she’s seen Heather show an interest in anything for more than two minutes. I guess having the words demonstrated by children in the short videos may have something to do with it, too. The "Your Baby Can Read" process uses many proven learning tools: Repetition: Each word is on the screen multiple times and in different fonts Sight: An arrow scrolls under the word from left to right as the word is read Sound: The music background added to the repetition of the word is another learning key. The background music uses happy songs like “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, and others to make this sound like a “happy” time for her. SEEMS TO HAVE VALUEBefore I spent the $200 for the whole set, I went over to take a look for myself. Sure enough, Heather was enjoying the DVD, trying to mimic the movements of the children and beginning to mouth the words as they appeared. I did order the Your Baby Can Read set, but I made my daughter promise that she would also introduce the phonic learning system to Heather as well. I heard there is an excellent site for phonic instruction, starfall.com, and suggested that to her. So now, Heather gets to watch the YOUR BABY CAN READ DVD every afternoon, and soon will progress to the second disc. Her verbal skills have increased and she does recognize and say several of the words. I just hope this technique gives her the desire to become an avid reader, something she will enjoy all through her life.
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